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SBL Causticum 30CH (30ML)

 79.00 89.00


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Product Description

SBL Causticum

SBL Causticum

CAUSTICUM (Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali)

Causticum manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections, indicated by the tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, with deformities about the joints; progressive loss of muscular strength, tendinous contractures. Causticum patients are broken down senile. Causticum is a chief remedy for rheumatism and nervous symptoms. Rheumatism of joints with stiffness and contraction of flexor tendons, shortening of muscles. Pains worse in clear fine weather and better in damp weather and by warm air. Causticum is also useful in left sided sciatica with numbness, heaviness and weakness. Causticum also helps in paralysis especially of right side. Progressive loss of muscular strength, which progresses until there is a gradually appearing paralysis. It also helps in paralysis of single part like face, extremities, vocal cords, etc. It also helps in ptosis, that is drooping of upper eyelids. The patient cannot keep eyes open.

Causticum has marked action on cough. There is severe cough with rawness and soreness in the chest. Expectoration is scanty. Sputa cannot be raised and if raised at all, unable to expectorate and therefore, must swallow it. Cannot cough deep enough to get relief by raising the sputa. Cough is worse on expiration and in clear fine weather and relieved by drinking cold water and in damp wet weather. While coughing there is involuntary passage of urine and shortness of breath, with pain in left hip and cannot speak loudly. Causticum is also useful in aphonia or loss of voice with pain in chest. It also helps in hoarseness of singers. There is soreness and rawness in throat and larynx due to exposure to draught of cold air. Cracking in throat when swallowing.

Causticum is suited for patients in catarrhal affections of the air passages, and seems to choose preferably dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons. There is restlessness at night, with tearing pains in joints and bones, and faint-like sinking of strength. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appearing paralysis. Causticum has a role in curing vocal paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Children of causticum are slow to walk. The skin of a Causticum person is of a dirty white sallow, with warts, especially on the face. Emaciation due to disease, worry, etc, and of long standing are seen in the patients. Burning, rawness, and soreness are characteristic.

Causticum also helps in many skin conditions like acne rosacea, burns, scalds, warts etc. There is rawness and soreness of the affected parts. It helps in old burns that do not get well. Patient says have never been well since that burn. Causticum is also useful in warts all over the body, especially on the eyelids, face and nose. Large pedunculated warts, which bleed easily. Causticum also helps in other conditions like bedwetting, leucorrhoea, impotence and intermittent fever.


– SENSITIVE, excitable, perceptive individuals.

– Sensitive to environment, feelings of people.

– SYMPATHETIC, full of cares, anxiety about others.


– History of many shocks, grief, disappointments. They suffer a lot.

– Ailments from fright, prolonged grief.

– Become closed. Mind looses flexibility.

– Many FEARS, SOMETHING BAD IS GOING TO HAPPEN, twilight, dark, being alone at night, dogs, ghosts.

– Against AUTHORITY. Don’t like rules, sense the injustice.

– REBEL, Involved in politics, social courses. angry against system.

– Hardening inside, becomes anarchist, Fanaticism.

– Mind gets tired, weak, breaks down.

– Can’t grasp ideas, deficiency of ideas.

– Dullness, understands questions only after repetition.

– Hurry while eating.


– Ritualistic behaviour (Rhus-t., Tub., Iod., Rat.).


– Complaints of nervous and musculo-skeletal system.

– Worse in DRY COLD WIND, WEATHER, From suppressed eruptions.

– Better by WET, DAMP, CLOUDY WEATHER (Hep., Nux-v.).

– Chilly.

– NERVOUS SYSTEM: Tics, chorea, twitching, convulsions, restlessness.

– Degenerative neurological diseases: e.g. Multiple Sclerosis.

– PARALYSIS, esp. right side.

– Numbness worse on left side.

Food and drinks 

– Desire: SMOKED MEAT, SALT, hot dogs, eggs, cheese.

– Aversion: SWEETS.


– Heaviness of lids.

– Ptosis (paralysis of upper eye lid making it droop).

– Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.

– WARTS on lids, eyebrows.

– Strabismus (abnormal alignment of the eyes; the condition of having a squint).

– Vision impaired, as from a mist.


– Accumulation of ear wax.

– Sounds re-echo in the ears.




– Nasal Allergies, Hay-fever, Sneezing morning on waking.

– Obstruction nose at night, when lying.


– PARALYSIS, NEURALGIA after exposure to COLD DRY wind, weather, Worse RIGHT SIDE.

– Twitching.


– STAMMERING (Merc., Stram.) aggravation when excited.



– Have to swallow all the time.

– Paralysis, bell palsy.

-Swallowing difficult.


– Pain better by cold drinks.


– Hemorrhoids worse by walking, standing, straining the voice, touch, thinking about them.

– Paralysis and inactivity of rectum.

– Constipation, passes stool easier when standing.


– INCONTINENCE when coughing, sneezing, laughing.

– RETENTION, from paralysis; after labor.

– Passes urine better when standing.

– PARALYSIS, after over-distension.

– Enuresis in children.

– Loss of sensibility of urethra, cannot tell when urine is passing.

Female genitalia 

– Lack of enjoyment in sex.


– HOARSENESS from overuse of the voice, singing, better cold drinks.

– Mucus in larynx, must cough, hawk up mucus.

– Paralysis of vocal cords.


– Hollow, hard, dry; from tickling in throat pit.

– Painful, raw and sore behind sternum.

– Better by COLD DRINKS (Cupr.), wet weather.

– Aggravation by Cold air.

– CANNOT COUGH DEEP ENOUGH to reach mucus, becomes exhausted from coughing.


– Bronchitis: feeling of rawness, open wound.


– Stiffness.

– Torticollis (the head becomes turned to one side, associated with painful muscle spasms).

– Sciatica worse by cold, coughing, better by warmth, of bed.



– Ataxia (the loss of full control of bodily movements).


– Dupuytren (a condition marked by fibrosis with shortening and thickening of the palmar aponeurosis resulting in flexion contracture of the fingers into the palm of the hand).

– Carpal tunnel syndrome ( painful condition of the hand and fingers caused by compression of a major nerve where it passes over the carpal bones through a passage at the front of the wrist ).

– Rheumatic pain aggravates by cold bathing, better wet weather, heat.


– Restless legs at night, during sleep.

– Twitching, convulsions.

-Chorea (a neurological disorder characterized by jerky involuntary movements affecting especially the shoulders, hips, and face).


– Paralysis, pain right deltoid (a thick triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and used for raising the arm away from the body).


– Warts.


–  Carbo-vegetabilis, Colocynth, Graphites, Lachesis, Merc-cor, Petroselinum, Sepia, Stannum metallicum, Staphysagria.

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SBL Causticum 30CH (30ML)

 79.00 89.00
